Friday, August 31, 2012

Curiosity @ the creek

Last weekend we went to the creek and had a bush BBQ. The BBQ was explained yesterday, the creek and our curiosity I saved for today... here it is.

This creek features often in our time spent at the farm. We all love it and go there whenever we just want to relax. So we went there last weekend for lunch and to see what we could see-see-see.

The day was quite chilly, so we headed for a sheltered bank and found a 'beach' of stones and pebbles. Nice smooth creek-tumbled stones. Just made for throwing! Of course! I reckon the chucking-of-stones is an instinctive thing for all of us; all children do it, some adults grow out of it, some don't :-)

Interesting to note that the instinct was so great for the littlest one that she had one stone in each hand! Funny that one slipped and ended up in the hoody, she did wonder where it had gone.

The other requirement for discovering creek curiosities is a stick. A good, solid stick. At least up to your waist. It's a walking stick, a poking stick, a crutch (for when you lose your gumboot)...


Doesn't the boy just look so rugged?! And so engrossed. He wouldn't have turned around if I'd begged him to. He is the one who ALWAYS ends up wet. Often it's his whole self, other times it's just the bottom half. On this occasion it was (just) one sock and gumboot. Twice. The first time he 'accidentally' kicked a stone and the boot flew off into the water. Hmmm, not sure how accidental a kick is. We dried the boot/sock by the fire, he put them back on, we took the top photo of all the gumboots and he promptly got them wet again. There was no explanation this time round!

The next nice little curiosity we found was this stone and seed pods. Cute. I was enjoying their texture, it was fun arranging them and taking photos. 

Suddenly the littlest one accosted it all... Apparently the stone was a 'table' and the seed pods the 'food'. And so I took the opportunity for some small finger/hand shots. Gotta love those ;-)

Then it was time for me to practise my water shots. Always good to combine rushing water and rocks. And this time I even used the 'Manual' setting on my big girls camera! How exciting was that? Just shows how we slow down and relax at the creek. It's about enjoying the moment and exploring the curiosities there; good fun for all!

And then, just when I thought I was getting clever, Mr Smartpants holds the camera while I retrieve the littlest one from the water (she didn't get wet, don't ask me how!). He took a few shots which I didn't check out then and there. I only worry about my own, I don't even edit his when they are downloaded, I wouldn't be keen if some-one else edited mine without me. But when I did download his quick clicks... grrrr. They were great! Here's the cleverest below... He says it's over-exposed, probably is, but it's still pretty good as a raw unprocessed photo hey?!

Alright, I have to run. It's the littlest one's birthday today. The last for the month of August. Phew! And yes, I've made ANOTHER cake. Actually, I've made two, it's my lovely mother-inlaws tomorrow. So we'll have chocolate mud cake tonight, I'll photograph it for you. Then lemon syrup cake tomorrow... I hope you can have your cake and eat it too this weekend!