Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Musings

Hmmm, what will I show you today? There's much musing happening in my mind this Monday...

A bit like this Agapanthus flower, there's some lovely fresh bits in my day/mind/home today and then some crinkley, frizzled bits ;-)

The small people return to school this Wednesday. Wohoo! I was feeling a bit guilty about just how much I was looking forward to this until I met a friend today who confessed to feeling exactly the same joy. It's not that we don't like the company of our children... In fact, I am also concerned for them knowing that they have unknowns to face as they start a new school year. But I really do enjoy quietness. And being alone (well, nearly alone, except for the littlest one). So, bring on Wednesday!

There are some good spots to sit around this place... Funny how infrequently you actually manage to sit in them...

Really, one should take the time to just sit hey? Even if it's only for five minutes in paint splattered clothes whilst drinking a cup of tea. After all one must keep eating and drinking, so why not do so in a pleasant spot!

There's not much else to tell you. I'm still completing my painting and organising (!) project, there is some pressure to have it done and set up before school goes back... Thus the lack of just sitting still! So hopefully I'll have that to show you soon.

In the meantime, excuse the musings and enjoy the rest of your Monday!

If you have small people embarking on a new school year, feel no guilt for joyously waving good-bye! It will be much easier to kiss them after bell-time then it has been for the last few weeks ;-) And once you've waved good-bye put the kettle on, make a cuppa and just sit. For at least ten minutes!

Talk soon...

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