Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A wonderfully white world.


Am throwing this together before it's time to throw the dinner together and run out the door...

Hopefully by not leaving it for another day I'll actually get these snow pics posted!

You see, last Friday we woke to find our whole world turned white. It was quite magical. I would not have believed that a light dusting of white stuff could change our world. But it did... The house looked like the set for a fairy tale play. The hills looked like a ski resort in a foreign country.

Even the silo looked pretty with it's white cap :-) 

We threw many layers of clothing on and ignored the clocks. We walked only on the tracks and paths to 'save' the snow. We split up. Some took hand fulls of snow and ate it! Some took to the slopes... or rather the pile of bark chips that now resembled a small mountain especially when one used an old board to slide down said pile. Others just took photos... Which club would you be in?!

The small people who had not seen snow up close before quickly learnt that when you play in it the snow melts and makes you wet, then you get cold!

Some people up above our valley were still getting snow... Theirs probably lasted 'til lunchtime.

It wasn't too long before Mr Snowman was built. Then the inevitable happened; some-one threw a snowball. Then another and VERY quickly the small people learnt how to fashion a snowball and throw it. They quickly got quite accurate. So this lady retreated inside. The kettle was put on, the hot chocolate measured out and the milk readied. Small, cold hands required warm cups of chocolate to recuperate. Larger hands took some caffeine in their cups before hitting the accelerator to get the day happening!

So much fun to enjoy the wonder of it all, even for a brief time...
Now it's time to hit the accelerator and get dinner sorted before a school meeting. You've got to love weeknight school meetings!

Stay warm!

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