Thursday, November 8, 2012

A bit 'o bunting

Interested in a bit 'o bunting? Just a basic little paper bunting craft project...

The gorgeous girl and I made these together. Another nice little craft project for the bigger girls of the household to do together. Here was our last one. We've a few more up our sleeves 'cos we're involved with a country fair and we're going to try out some crafty ideas for kids workshops. Good excuse to do some fun stuff together I reckon ;-)

Here the blue bunting is gracing the white cupboard. While the white string is adorns the fireside sitting area. Can you tell who made the blue string and the white string? Your hint is here! I would SO like a VERY white house... but we have too much that isn't white, that I could not bear to part with. For example those armchairs in the shot below are my Nan's. She is in a home now, but they are a tangible link from my home to her. And that is all you'll get to hear of my Nan this morning, sorry! I'll tear up if I talk about her any more. I do love her and she is away, away from here.

So here they are in the same shot together, blue and white, all matchy with the table map. And nicely complimentary to the snowballs! All my posts this week tying in together... Ahhhh. The hanging 'boat' on the white cupboard is the contribution of the boy. He wasn't too fussed on hanging about with a pair of scissors and a stack of paper for an hour or more. He's not really the crafty type... understandable if you've read my skeleton post from a day or so ago ;-)

Oh, here are the snowballs as the star of the shot. I especially appreciate that the 'A' setting has allowed the 'mess' on the rusty rustic sidetable to be obscured ;-) Phew!

Now, would you like some 'instructions' for our bunting? You should come to our country fair and do one of our workshops! That would be fun, but I won't make you do that, unless you live close by ;-) Here's what we did. It was super easy so this list probably shouldn't be titled 'instructions'...
  1. Find some string (thin is better I think), cut it to rough length that you want bunting to be.
  2. Select your paper. We used A4 printing paper. The cheap, everyday stuff.
  3. Fold the sheet of paper in half lengthways (so the fold is long, not short, does that make sense?! Lucky I'm not claiming these are true instructions!)
  4. Then fold that long rectangle in half, then half again, this time folding sideways...
  5. With the little folded stack lying with the first folded edge upwards, mark the resulting front rectangle halfway along it's edge.
  6. Then draw/rule a triangle from this halfway point up to the corners at the folded top. 
  7. Cut this triangle out. We cut through all of the paper layers at once (the triangles should be able to turn into diamonds when you unfold them...). You get 4 triangles per A4 sheet.
  8. With each of these triangles you make a snowflake. You know, those ones you did as a kid, there are so rules! Fold and cut, however you like...
  9. We then unfolded and refolded the triangle over the string. Popped a few dabs of blue on the inside of the triangle and strung it up!
Being a non-sewer these are just my sort of bunting ;-)  I'm even thinking of making a teeny-tiny version of this (without the snowflake step) for a mini-christmas-tree. Could be very cute in red, or red/white... options are endless! Am off to buy my co-op milk now, milk would be a good subject for my photo challenge methinks. Will have to think a bit on that one... Talk soon. Actually, talk tomorrow, I've got some photos of lambs at the farm to show you.

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