Thursday, November 7, 2013

Early morning smoke haze

 There is still early morning smoke haze from the Blue Mountains bushfires...
Though the media has mostly moved on the fires still linger, in fact some still burn. And when the wind has been blowing in the right direction, then the cool night air hits and the smoke settles in amongst our own hills and valleys. Makes for a pretty morning as the sun hits the paddocks, but it's a reminder that there are many Aussies picking up the pieces and restarting their lives. We feel for them, and feel inadequate at the same time.

Hope your day is looking clear. With little haze. And sunshine. Mind you, we've got forecasts of rain in the next few days and we'll be glad to see the moisture. It's dry. Even though these shots still show a green tinge :-) This roadside is green from no stock on it and the paddock is green because it's a crop. Many other paddocks aren't green any more. So, bring on that rain! The mountains will be glad to have some green growth poking through the burnt blackness too.

Happy Thursday; the best thing about Thursday is that tomorrow is Friday!

Talk soon. 

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